Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bridging The Gap: A Struggling Teenage Boy

Below is a story about a boy who is having a tough time for not being appreciated by his parents.

All of my life, I have been living in my brother's shadow. My parents always say, "Why can't you do _______ like your brother?" I am not nearly as good in sports as he is. I am doing well in school but not as well as he is. (He got several A's where I got A-'s). My brother is a great tennis player. Since I didn't join any sports until secondary school, my parents forced me to join tennis this year. I hate tennis. I'm terrible at it. I try to practice, and I learn new things. I'm getting better. However, I can only practice when my brother's not around. When my brother is nearby, I feel like a fool and I end up being hopeless on the courts, hitting the ball completely out of the boundaries, etc. Pressure, pressure, pressure.

Well, people of the web, I write this story to ask you one question: How can I deal with this problem? It's impossible to tell my parents about it; they will keep punishing me since they are really fond of my brother. I am sick of being an outcast in my family; even though I have a good social life at school and keep in touch with people through the internet. I feel something is missing in my life. Recently, I've been having one or two thoughts about hurting myself or committing suicide. Why? Not because I'm "emotional" or anything. I just want to know if anyone would even shed a tear if I wasn't here. Unwanted.

shed a tear - cry

Now, try to answer the following questions

1. Do you really think that his parents hate him?

2. Do you think his parents are aware of the way he feels towards his brother?

3. If he were to tell his parents, do you think his parents would punish him?

4. If you were this boy, what would you do?

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