Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Environment: How Green Are You?

Try to do this quiz to see how environmentally friendly you are:

1. While you are actually brushing your teeth, you
a) leave the tap running.
b) turn off the tap and turn it back on to rinse your mouth.
c) only use a glass of water.

2. When you leave the room, you
a) turn off the light.
b) leave the stereo on but turn off the light.
c) leave everything on.

3. What do you do with empty bottles?
a) Take them to the recycling bin.
b) Return them to the market.
c) Throw them in the rubbish bin.

4. What are CFCs ?
a) Aerosols.
b) Dangerous gases that deplete the ozone layer.
c) A rock group.

5. When you buy eggs, the boxes are
a) polystyrene foam or clear plastic.
b) cardboard.
c) either ‘a’ or ‘b’, but you return them to the shops.

6. When you buy something at the supermarket, you
a) take a plastic carrier bag.
b) reuse an old plastic carrier bag.
c) use your own bag.

7. When you eat a chocolate bar in class, you
a) drop the wrapper under your desk.
b) put the wrapper in the litter bin.
c) save the wrapper for recycling.

8. Which products do you keep in your bathroom?
a) Biodegradable shampoo and cosmetics.
b) Aerosols.
c) Any kind of products from the supermarket.

9. In school, you use
a) refillable pens.
b) throwaway plastic pens.
c) refillable pens and solar-powered calculators.

10. If you were asked to contribute money to a Save the Environment project, you would
a) refuse to give.
b) give generously.
c) give a small amount.

11. Which of the following do you use?
a) Only recycled materials.
b) Recycled materials if someone gives them to you.
c) The cheapest ones.

12. Tropical forests should be
a) cut down so that we can profit from natural resources.
b) protected because they are beautiful.
c) protected because they produce oxygen.


  1. Congratulations,

    I hope u may include article(s) on how to teach the phantom of the opera for weak learners.

  2. Thank you very much.It is very useful to me.
